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الصفحة الرئيسية » الإصدار 2، العدد 5 ـــــ يوليو 2023 ـــــ Vol. 2, No. 5 » Extracting Functional and Non-Functional Requirements for E-learning Systems

Extracting Functional and Non-Functional Requirements for E-learning Systems


    Department of Education Technology, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Egypt

    [email protected]

    Department of Education Technology, Faculty of Education, Taibah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


    Extracting functional & non-functional requirements is a basic step in software development. The process of requirements engineering includes seven main activities Elicitation, Negotiation, Specification, Modeling, Verification and validation, Management, and Traceability, This study focuses on requirements engineering in E-learning systems to be performed in all educational systems. Non-functional requirements are considered more critical than functional requirements because the non-functional requirements can affect all the systems. Some non-functional requirements may become functional requirements like security. So, hoping that this constructed study is going to help the developers of the system to understand the requirements to build E-learning systems, especially in higher educational institutions.